本行辦理外來人口客戶變更「新式統一證號」後之資料變更事宜Regarding change of information for foreigners’ new UI Number.










                                                                                                           元大商業銀行 敬啟


Dear Valued Customer:

Please be advised that in response to the Replacement and Issuance of Foreigner’s New UI No. by the Ministry of the Interior since January 2021, we will carry out the change of information of the foreigner after receiving a new UI Number as follows:

  1. 1.To protect your rights and interests, please visit any of our business units in person with the new UI No. identification documents such as R.O.C. (Taiwan) Resident Certificate, Passport and R.O.C. (Taiwan) UI No. Basic Information Form to complete the procedures for new UI No. change.
  2. 2.In addition,to save your precious time, please download and print the “Customer Information Confirmation(Individual)” from our official website (https://www.yuantabank.com.tw/bank/), fill in the information, sign and affix the original seal and attach a photocopy of your new UI No. identification documents, and send such documents to any of our business units for the new UI No. change.
  3. 3.For the convenience of the customer, we will proactively change your UI No. information retained by us after receiving the notice from the Joint Credit Information Center that you have obtained the new UI No. If your business dealings with us will be affected due to the change of the UI No. , we will contact and remind you to go to any of our business units for the new UI No. change.
  4. 4.As a reminder, please pay attention to whether the UI No. declared is consistent with the UI No. retained by us for the income tax declaration to avoid any adverse effect on your rights and interests.
  5. 5.After completing the change of the New UI No., please also update your new UI No. with the relevant units with which you make debit/credit transactions (e.g., payroll employers, public utilities operators, securities firms or insurance companies) to facilitate the processing of the subsequent debit and credit operations.
  6. 6.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the client service hotline by calling 0800-688-168, or 02-21821988 and our dedicated service professionals will be delighted to assist you.

Thanks for your attention!

                                                                                         Yuanta Commercial Bank
